My life after Reiki. By Tracey Ann Edwards
In 2004 I started having panic attacks after a near death experience , as a form of self help I began having Reiki treatments, after which time I took my Reiki 1 degree. I went through a very turbulent time after this, it seemed to open up old wounds and release energies that I had been storing for a lifetime. But on a plus side I started opening up spiritually becoming more aware and intuitive with people and situations. On many occasions I would becoming increasingly conscious that I was working with guides and felt protected, by what I then felt as angel presences, but now realise after working on Reiki 2 that these feelings were of spirit activity.
After about 2 years I felt I was ready to progress to the next level, but after doing my reiki 2 back in 2006 I didn’t feel any different and after much deliberation felt that perhaps I was not ready to continue the next level of training after all. As I still needed to deal with issues and personal matters first that I hadn’t expelled completely, so I carried on working on myself using the Reiki 1 techniques.
During this time I started working on readings, I do not read traditional tarot cards and even now I do not understand the meanings of the tarot but I use the cards to meditate on a situation and give readings from the images and feelings I receive when holding the card and concentrating on a situation. I felt a stronger connection the more I worked, but my confidence issue only allowed me to do readings via the internet. I still felt doubtful of any action I took and had no self belief that in fact things I was “hearing” and “seeing” were not actually all in my imagination and were given to me through spirituality methods.
Leading up to the middle of 2007 it seemed that everything was falling apart our house was burgled, we had terrible money problems, and was struggling keeping the house going and school fees etc. I started to work on ways to earn money but instead ended up spreading myself too thinly, not concentrating on just one main area or putting all my positive energy into just one or two projects rather than nine or ten ! Relationships within my family starting to take its toll, all in all it was a very bleak time. We decided to sell our villa and rent an apartment . The next three months saw us out of our financial worries and the negative suppression surrounding our family started to clear.
What I had then realised, is that during the “testing” time I did not work with my reiki techniques as I was “too busy” to think about it, so everything was getting on top of me, rather than taking one day at a time and living in the now, I was looking towards trying to fix tomorrow and not thinking about myself today .
Once again I put all my energies into the home and taking time for myself and my family, living by the 5 reiki principles of reiki 1, meditating everyday and realised how much happier I was and how much more differently I was looking at things and what was happening to my life when I did. I decided to take my reiki 2 again as a refresher as I felt it was not the right time when I had taken it in 2006 . I contacted Jason explaining that I felt I needed to do the Reiki 2 again rather than do my 3rd Masters degree. He emailed me back and said it was on the following weekend leaving me no time to change my mind through insecurities or confidence issues so I booked it there and then.
WOW… is all I can say, I know 100% that this was the right time for me to take this course again, I felt more at peace with myself, more comfortable and the information seemed to be absorbed much deeper and with more understanding than before. I took the course with two other ladies, all there for different reasons. Linda and Tara. The weekend for me was filled with emotion, tears, laughter, happiness, doubt, and with eagerness to learn everything. All feelings rolled into 48 hours. It was intense, emotional, enlightening but above all a beautiful experience that you cannot truly appreciate unless you are going through it personally. It left me with a feeling of complete openness and clarity, everything seemed so clear and unclouded.
It was amazing how things started happening so quickly. A cliché but it really was and still is a roller coaster ride ! During one of the meditations at the weekend course . I was shown myself in a room with young people teaching them the art of meditation . On the Monday after the weekend, it was so clear that this was what I wanted to do, that I sat for the next few days designing the flyers, getting them printed , finding a venue and distributing them and succeeded in all four within the next 10 days. The classes are starting in March, with a fantastic response, so much so that I have been asked to do adult classes too.
It has helped restore my confidence and self esteem almost immediately too. On the Wednesday, 3 days after the course, I received an email from the Guinness Book of Records to do the hair and makeup for them at a celebrity photo shoot in Spain the following weekend. Which will be in the next edition of the book coming out in September 2008. I was obviously nervous and had a very very light anxiety attack, but by using the methods we learnt at the weekend I managed to calm myself down and it did not flare up into a full blown panic attack. Once I was at the shoot it all went fantastically well, so much so that the client wants me to work with her again when she is next over in Spain for a reality television show about her. The following Friday I had a wedding hair and makeup trial which I would normally be worrying about, concerned that I would not be good enough or that the bride would not like it, but I had no problems at all and went in and did it with no issue, before I even finished, the bride to be, said that she wanted to book me, as she felt comfortable with me and that she has seen some editorial work that I had done and couldn’t believe that I could be nervous about meeting people for the first time as she thought my work was outstanding. ( that was a huge confidence boost) !
Over the following days I had a total of twenty-six confirmed weddings, book in for this coming year and 2009. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. I should have that tattooed on my body somewhere, where I can remind myself.
It is not all about monetary and vocational wealth though. The relationship between myself and my husband has always been strong, and even though he does not practise spirituality he has never disbelieved it and has always been respectful of my interest and participation in it. However since doing the Reiki 2, he has become more aware of the power that it generates. My mother recently had to undergo an MRI scan on a possible tumour in her foot, the first thing he said was “Don’t worry babe, you send her some healing” fortunately it turned out she has a rare case called Avascular Necrosis and not a tumour as they first thought ( again the power of positive thought) … A few days later a friend of his had premature twins one of which was in intensive care weighing only a few pounds again he called me to tell me, that he has told the husband to have positive thoughts and asked me “if I could do my thing” ! Both babies are now doing well putting on weight and making the way in the right direction of coming home. Jasmin my eldest often asks me to do reiki on her if she is feeling a little under the weather, whereas my five year just walks around going cross eyes reciting “Ohm” with a big grin on her face…! So the light is spreading even within our little family unit !
I have met a beautiful person through doing the course from whom I am learning different aspects and growing spiritually even by just listening to her experiences and knowledge. I am starting to understand the different sensations I am feeling, whether they are stronger since doing the reiki 2 or whether I am feeling different energies, I am yet still to discover but I will eventually. Which leads me to another thing that has come from my reiki 2 experience which is patience. What we are doing is not something that can be rushed or learnt from a text book, it is a lifetime of knowledge and experiences that make us into mediums, healers, light workers, psychics etc Patience is the key to most things including our spiritual growth. As a typical Gemini I used to want it all now, or yesterday preferably, but I have learnt that this is not the case and cannot be this way if we truly want fulfilling self development.
In a nut shell Reiki 2 has been the platform for me, from where everything can grow from . Like a house needs foundations, Reiki is my foundation . This is the start for me, and from hereon in I can only grow and expand spiritually. I believe that the journey begins when you complete Reiki and mine is just starting.