Thursday, August 24, 2006

Healing the home

Healing the home can be incredibly beneficial for the wellbeing of all.
If you find that there is an unbalance of energies, had arguments, recently bought a new home or feel you are sharing your home with unwanted spirits then a cleansing and healing of the home will help to balance and harmonise not only the home but for all those who live within it.
Together with the energy of Reiki, Crystals can be used to help re-charge negative areas within the home. For example;
Houseplants: Sick or weak plants will benefit from a drink of charged water. Try feeding one plant this way and using plain water for another and you will see the difference.
Beds: Your body sleeps to recharge itself, but often the bed retains old energy, which is stale and liable to make your more tired, rather than refresh you.
Pets: If your pet has a crystal in its cage or bed, you’ll find it will need far less visits to the vet.
Your Car: We often spend many long hours in our car and yet completely ignore its energy field.
Clothes: These are the nearest thing to your skin, and so many of our clothes nowadays are made of synthetic material, rather than silks, cottons and wool. These unnatural fabrics weaken your energy field.
Food: We really are what we eat, and sadly many foods of today are over-processed and full of bad energy.
Prices and further information upon request

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