Sunday, March 29, 2009

Reiki 1 Fuengirola Playa 2009

Jason Ritchie-Reiki Master/Teacher -Fuengirola Playa March 2009

Luis Miguel Alves-Reiki Master/Assistant Training Teacher-Fuengirola Playa March 2009

Beatriz Velasquez (Betty)-Reiki 1 Fuengirola Playa March 2009

Andreas Holm - Reiki 1 Fuengirola Playa March 2009

Connecting with the Inner Child (animal play- being cats)

Connecting with the Inner Child (animal play- being cats)

Dance therapy and expression assists with self confidence

Dance therapy and self expression

Self Expression and dance therapy

The Train- Trust and laughter therapy

Laughter Therapy

Laughter Therapy and trust

The Hatsu Rei Ho Technique

In touch with the Universe-Belonging

Connection with the Universe

Group Hug (Luis Andreas and Beatriz)

Hugging (Andreas and Beatriz)

Feeling and sensing Auras

Beatriz giving Reiki to Luis

Andreas giving Reiki to Anna Mezzone (notice the orbs)

Andreas Holm Anna Mezzone (client) Beatriz Vacasquez

Congratulations to Andreas Holm and Beatriz Vacasquez for successfully completing Reiki 1 Workshop pictured with Luis Alves and Anna Mezzone

Andreas Holm, Anna Mezzone, Jason Ritchie and Beatriz Vacasquez

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Workshop dates for Reiki 1 Costa del Sol and North Africa

Reiki 1 workshops-Costa del Sol
28th and 29th March- Miramar Las Palmeras-Fuengirola 10.30am-6.30pm Saturday and Sunday
16th and 17th May -Villa La Paz-Coin 10.00am-6.00pm Saturday and Sunday
30th and 31st May- Villa La Paz- Coin 10.00am-6.00pm Saturday and Sunday
13th and 14th June- Miramar Las Palmeras-Fuengirola 10.00am-6.00pm Saturday and Sunday

Reiki 1 workshops for Kids
Saturday 18th July (one day workshop) Ages from 5-15 years old. 10.30am-3.30pm
Saturday 15th August (one day workshop) Ages 5-15 years old. 10.30am-3.30pm

Parents are also encouraged to accompany their kids to create bonding between parent and child. This workshop helps your child to be an individual and assist with self expression as well as connecting to the source of Reiki. Laughter therapy, dance and movement are incorporated into the workshop to make it fun and enjoyable.
We also choose outdoor locations like the beach or the campo/open spaces.

Espanol-Tallers de Reiki en Melilla
28th and 29th Septermber- Melilla North Africa Monday and Tuesday 10.00am-6.00pm
3rd and 4th October- Melilla North Africa Saturday and Sunday 10.00am-6.00pm (Español)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The OM- Meaning and Origins

Namaste-Its meanings and Origins

Reiki Share- Costa del Sol

There is a reason you have connected with this group. It is either that you just wish to network for your own network of light, or it is because you want to share your light with others likeminded. But what brought you to Reiki in the first place?
My forthcoming book details my journey in greater detail, but as a preview I will share an experience with you. I would also ask you all to write your calling to the Reiki path as it can act as a catalyst for others to find their truth of who they really are.
I have now taught Reiki workshops for 10 years. In that time I have taught 300 or so students. I would say that 85% have experienced a crisis of sorts whether it is the ending of a relationship, a death of family member or partner, an illness, a near death experience, a major job change, a traumatic experience and so forth before embarking upon a course. There always appears to be a trigger for the calling to the path of Reiki.
My life is no exception. In 1999 I had a bad accident on a train that caused damage to my left arm. Strangely enough it is said that we receive from the left, from spirit so in a way they were preparing me for my path. It was also to acknowledge to get in touch with the feminine artistic side of my personality, which in many ways gave birth to my writing and teaching abilities. A series of events unfolded which enabled me to form a circle. The first people who attended the circle were three women, who had all taken Reiki. That was the first time I had heard of it. It is always said that Reiki finds you when you are ready. So really since then my life has never been the same.
After Reiki entered my life, the connection with spirit re.entered my life, or should I say it re-surfaced with my hightened awareness. It was always there, I just wasnt aware of it, or in fact I supressed it. Reiki 1 is really about healing the self. I realized at this stage I didnt know who I was or where I was going. But Reiki gave me the power to follow my calling and my truth.
From taking Reiki 1 I studied counseling which then took me to volunteer with an AIDS charity. My spirit/Reiki guide presented itself and would appear with a strong scent of a particular flower. This scent became very powerful and created a network of light as I became a catalyst for lightworkers on the Costa del Sol and beyond.
It would appear that I became the pebble that was dropped into the pond, and now I watch the ripples expand outwards. This is what makes teaching so rewarding. After each person embarks on a course, it has an affect on those close to them or their friends, family etc..
So many people have changed their life in such a positive way.
But what is Reiki?
In may ways it is not only a healing source, and really it is often mis understood. Reiki is a form of re-connection. It strips away the onion layers of the person we became to enable us to accept and love our true self. It un blocks the past so you can embrace living for every day.
If we look at the truth of Mikao Usui, the reason he used the 5 reiki principles, were so people would learn to heal their thoughts. Our thoughts ultimately create our destiny. Giving and channeling unconditional love to our thoughts is a powerful way forward in embracing who we are.
Often however the power of healing our thoughts is often over looked and Reiki is often only taught as a healing technique of hands on or in the aura. There is so much more to this incredible energy deriving from the Universe.
Much more Reiki is a portal of Light. The symbols that are used in Reiki 2 and 3 enable you to reach a new height of awareness and connection to the higher self . Energy portals of light are very real. They take the student/client to their hightened sensitivity to access their inner power.
Many students have now become good mediums and Im sure will go on to become great mediums. Some have gone on to become writers, artists, builders, nurses and so forth.
Not everyone who takes a Reiki course will follow the path of Reiki. I see it that once that portal is opened a pathway is presented. That pathway could take the student to a new passage way in life, always for the highest good.

All students who walk the path instinctively know when it is time to raise their energy with Reiki. The teacher that presents him/herself is brought to you for a reason. Each teacher plants a seed, but you must remember it is up to you the student, the practitioner, to work on yourself, the give yourself healing and light to your thoughts and the body mind and soul.

Too many students embark upon a course, because they initially want to help others and save the world. But the message I constantly give, is that you must heal and love yourself first before you can heal others. Release the inner thought pattern of not deserving the energy, because you are the healer, and recognise that you need to take time out for you.

My life has been inspired by so many people including many of my clients, who many became students of Reiki themselves then went on to open centres, run workshops and pass on the message of light.

So please add your experience and lets share our thoughts and our calling to enable others to heal, love and believe in themselves.


Come and Visit Reiki Costa del Sol-Andalucia (on facebook) share costa del Sol-Andalusia)

Reiki 1 workshops (Costa del Sol- Malaga-Torremolinos-Benalmadena-Fuengirola-Coin-Marbella-Gibraltar-)

Taking those all important steps towards the spiritual self, is often a hard decision to make. Often a life changing occurrence has occurred within your life, to assist you in making those all important positive changes towards an aspect of light and renewal.

Many people have experienced, hardships, relationship breakups, illness , the loss of a loved one or even a near death experience. It is at these low points in life that we begin to re-evaluate our lives and feel and know that there is something better.

Too many people are “people pleasers” and do not give enough time to themselves.
Knowing that you deserve better and that you can do something to help yourself as well as others, is indeed a gift to accept into your unique way of existence.
Reiki one is about finding that time.
Time for the self
Creating a balance within your life, so that you are in a position to help yourself and to help others.

It must be acknowledged, that Reiki is not just a form of healing. It is a path.

Fulfilling your lifes purpose really comes to the fore when you have accessed the first major step towards enlightenment. That first step occurs through Reiki 1.

Reiki 1 is called the foundation maker.
To enable yourself to grow spiritually you need a firm foundation to work upon.
Reiki can give you that. It plants a seed, so you may grow and blossom into the person you are, not the person others want you to be.

Reading this page today, helps you to acknowledge, that that all important step forward
Is only moments away.
We look forward to meeting and connecting with you soon..

The Workshop

Weekend workshop

This workshop is taught over two days.
Within the course you are encouraged to open yourself up, be honest with yourself, release emotion as well as enjoy your time with us.
Everything is Private and Confidential
Your healing and Journey of self discovery is our greatest priority.

Firstly we give you the opportunity to introduce yourselves so you feel a greater connection with one another.

Course includes a comprehensive manual for you to keep
Your Reiki Lineage
Meditations and Visualizations
Deep Relaxation
History of Reiki
Attunements and Reiju Empowerments
Hatsu Rei Ho
Power of the Universe
Meeting your Reiki Guide
Self awareness and soul Development Exercises
Self Healing
Chakra and Aura work
Healing of plants and animals
Healing for other people

Some other techniques or exercises maybe incorporated to suit your individual needs.

Certificate Awarded
Price 150 euros (incl. 50 euro deposit)

For those of you who work on weekends or find an intensive course too much to handle then we also offer a 6 week course, (2 hours per week) 25 euros per week

Week One

Introduction of self
Your Lineage
The Five Reiki Principles
Deep Relaxation and Meditation

Week Two

Review of week One
History Of Reiki
Understanding the Chakras

Week Three

Review of week two
Understanding the Aura
Attunement to Reiki 1
Self Healing

Week Four

Review of week three
Soul Development Exercises
The power of the Universe
Self Healing

Week Five

Review of week four
Meditation and Visualization
Hatsu Reiki Ho
Reiju Empowerment
Hand positions for others

Week Six

Review of the whole course
Self Healing
Healing for others
Awarding of Certificate

NB. Some coursework maybe included to suit the needs of the individual.

We look forward to meeting you shortly...


Reiki Workshops on the Costa del Sol

You have reached this page for a reason.

Perhaps it is not the first time you have read or heard about Reiki. It is said that from the first time you connect with the energy, that your Reiki Guide has stepped into your aura and is slowly nudging you towards the path to spiritual enlightenment.

Reiki can be described as a healing loving touch.

Reiki is unconditional love, the Universal Life force Energy.

Reiki can be divided into two words.

Firstly Rei which means Universal and Ki which is light, energy, chi or Manna.

It is energy channelled from source. The source we all come from connect to and return.
It is as simple as that.

It was re-discovered by Mikao Usui in the late 1800s while he was on a meditation fasting for 21 days on Mount Karuma in Japan. During the 21 days he received an attunement in the form of a bright light, symbols and mantras.

Since then Reiki has been passed down through generations.
Please visit our Reiki Lineage to find out our Reiki (Family Tree)

Many people feel that Reiki is just a form of healing. It is not. It is a way of life.

Adopting Reiki into your life, you are able to heal yourself on a mental emotional, physical and spiritual level. You are also able to send healing to your loved ones as well as every human being who lives on the planet .

Apart from that, Reiki is positive energy that helps you to gain confidence and the ability to believe in the self. Reiki can help you manifest your desires and fulfil your ambitions.

As you work with the energy, your spiritual vibration will lift so that you can access greater depths of who you are as an individual. More than that, you can access your divine purpose.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Reiki Treatments- Fuengirola. Marbella, Torremolinos, Malaga

Luis and I are available for Reiki Treatments along the Costa del Sol. You can either visit us at our Centre in Fuengirola, or you can book us to visit you in the comfort of your own home.

Your wellbeing is our Greatest Priority.

We offer a selection of Reiki Treatments to Suit your individual needs.
Reiki helps problems such as stress related conditions, depression, nervous disorders
Cancer and Chronic Illnesses, or even as a tonic to boost your wellbeing.

Reiki is used all over the World. It is now available in some hospitals, most Hotels and Spas, Hairdressers, dentists, Hospices

It is accepted and recognised as a Complementary Therapy that assists in the healing of the whole person.

What is a Reiki Treatment?

Firstly we give you the opportunity to off load any problems or issues within a safe environment as well as taking some personal details.
Reiki works upon your intention. The Practitioner asks you for your intention that you hope to gain from the healing session for the benefit of your healing experience.

You are then shown the healing bed and asked to lie down. The healing is carried out while you are fully clothed, therefore it is suggested that you wear comfortable clothing.
You will only be asked to remove your shoes and heavy Jewellery.

The Practitioner then will show you the hand positions he will be using to aid your healing and wellbeing. He will then explain that Reiki is channelled unconditional love that flows through him, his hands and through each of your chakras (energy centres).
Healing also takes place in the aura.
The aura is your energy field, often where dis-ease manifests in the form of mental/emotional issues.
In that time the Reiki Practitioner may feel or intuitively connect to the area that needs to be addressed to aid your own healing process..

In that time you may feel deep relaxation or even enter sleep state.
The treatment usually lasts 45 minutes

You will be gently woken up and given a glass of water
Then the treatment is discussed.

As with all complementary therapies one treatment may not be sufficient to heal your issues/problems/ill health.
In standard practices it is suggested to have 3 Reiki Treatments fairly close together
Eg. Once a week, for three weeks.

The Price for a full Reiki Treatment is 40 euros
However for Chronic or Terminal cases we only ask for a donation

The AGE of AQUARIUS and Reiki

Now that we have entered the age of AQUARIUS, there is more aspects of unsettlement in the world. Those not aware or in touch with themselves or the world in which they live are feeling a sense of loss and confusion. The global financial markets and world recession is kickstarting the lack of focus in todays society. Yet what is happening is happening to enlighten and awaken the human race as we have now entered into the new age of Aquarius.

We are meeting more individuals who are seeking spiritual guidance and counseling as well as healing. There are many who wish to change their lives, many of whom who seek a new way of being but at the same time assisting with the awakening and healing of the new consciousness for man and the world.

Reiki is but one pathway towards the awakening process. However Luis and I are all too aware of the need for more lightworkers to assist with the ascension for the planet. If this world is going to survive then the awareness and consciousness that co-exisits here must ascend and change its present cycle.

There are many people who need to be reasured that life will continue and that the world can be a safe place to live. There is a future for us all.

We meet so many people who are "people pleasers". These are people who are eager to help others, but give little time for themselves. Not giving time for the self only creates stress and lack of focus. Often your energy is depleated.

Now is the time to recognise that you do have a purpose and a natural ability in helping others through the power of healing and unconditional love.

If you want to know more, about how you can make use of your life in a positive way, learn how you can give time for yourself, but still in a position to help others without getting drained, then contact us.

Visit our website Also take time to read this blog. There are many comments from former students, photographs from workshops and recommendations from clients and students. You will also find some inspiring case studies.

If you are interested in hearing more about our work or our treatments then please contact us or call 0034 677114989 / 0034 617810209 / 0034 951260538

The age of AQUARIUS- 14th february 2009

The Aquarian alignment 14th February 2009

We measure our global sense of both space (latitude and longitude) and time (universal time - UT or GMT) from the prime meridian located at Greenwich, England. So we can perceive the collective influence of this momentous astrological event by looking at the alignment from this globally ‘centered' perspective.

When we do something extraordinary and exquisite emerges

At dawn on 14th February the day dedicated to St Valentine, the patron saint of Love, the Moon in Libra enters the seventh house of relationships. And Jupiter and Mars are aligned in Aquarius in the twelfth house of spiritual transformation.

Forty years ago, the intuitive words of a song called Aquarius, brought the dawning of the new age into our collective awareness:

When the Moon is in the seventh house

and Jupiter aligns with Mars.

Then peace will guide the planets

and love will steer the stars

At dawn on 14th February the Cosmos actually embodies this perfect alignment to support our collective manifestation of love and peace and dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

The Aquarian chart of 14th February reveals an incredible concentration of cosmic influences blending with the energies of Aquarius in the twelfth house. Expansive Jupiter and energetic Mars are aligned with the higher purpose of the North Node. The presence of Chiron the wounded healer offers us the opportunity to heal the schisms that have separated us for so long. Neptune emphasizes collective humanitarian movements and the co-creation of social justice. And the presence of the radiant Sun enlightens the entire alignment.

Mercury also in the twelfth house but just beyond the cusp in Capricorn, allies with transformational Pluto to communicate and anchor the Shift throughout our global structures and institutions.

The Moon in Libra in the seventh house emphasizes harmonious real -ationships.

Venus in Aries in the first house energizes and empowers dynamic co-creativity.

And whilst Saturn the great task master in opposition to Uranus the unexpected awakener is suggesting an ongoing confrontation as the dregs of the unsustainable old paradigm reluctantly give way to the untested hope of the new, their placements in Virgo and Pisces brings practical altruism and visionary inspiration to the transition.

At 7.25am on 14th February - and for the 18 minutes of the alignment, I invite you, in the universal heart, to add your own intention for love and peace and to co-create the dawning of the Age of Aquarius to that of the Cosmos. In whatever way feels appropriate for you, you may choose to align with7.25am (UT) or 7.25am your own local time energizing a wave of intention that will surge around the Earth.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Photos of Reiki Students March 2009

Congratulations to Barre de Groot and Ann Borders for successfully completing their Reiki 2 workshop. (pictured with their clients) at The Alternative World Spiritual Centre

Ann Borders (in Purple far left with client Pat Webber) Barre de Groot (with client Milai Alves)

Barre and Milai

Barre and Milai

Milai receiving psychic surgery from Barre da Groot. Directed bt Luis Alves.
(Note the spirit orbs that are floating around Barre and Milai

Reiki 2 workshop and Psychic Surgery

Having taught Reiki for the last 10 years, I have become aware of the needs of my students. Evolution also plays a part in how receptive students are as a whole. Since teaching with my partner, Luis, we continue to become aware of our students needs and the growing demand for additional development and awareness in working with energy and unconditional love.

We have therefore adapted the courses we teach. We always focus upon meeting the needs of each student. Many of our students are therapists, teachers, mediums, holistic workers, nurses, doctors, artists or those in society that are providing a valuable service. With this knowledge and the changing attitudes and global shift of consciousness we realize there are greater needs to be met.

We now teach psychic surgery on Reiki level 2. This we usually teach on Reiki 3 , however the students now are practicing this technique which is assisting greatly with their clients wellbeing. With recession depression, this technique helps to release the primary cause so that the client is then able to accept the reiki treatments with ease. This also speeds up the process of healing thus, the client is able to embrace a new way of being at a much more rapid rate than before.

If you wish to know more about our spiritual and healing work here on the Costa del Sol then please e.mail or visit our website

We also run workshops in Melilla (Spanish Enclave) in North Africa, Villa La Paz in Coin, Andalucia, Miramar Las Palmeras, Fuengirola. We are also available to run workshops at other locations along the Costa del Sol, give talks and presentations about Reiki, or available for Reiki Treatments either in Fuengirola or mobile.

We are also available to run workshops in other parts of the World. If you are interested in our work and wish to book us in your country, then please send any information and details to

Please visit our website

Reiki hugs
Jason and Luis

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Recession is a Catalyst for Change, working with the vibration of Reiki can manifest Change

Chique and Jason

Luis and Chique

Carmen and Chique

Celebrating change in the lives of those present. Reiki workshops in Melilla. Feb 2009

Over the last few months we have become aware of the growing amount of people who are striving towards changing their current lives to something better, yet initially they are unaware of what may lie around the corner or indeed fear the future.

We can either project out doubt and fear of the unknown or we can learn to come to terms with what might be around the corner. Yet the growing numbers of business minded people who have worked in the corporate business world, where life seemed to be stable and rewarding are now faced with instability and uncertanity.

However this is incredibly powerful and a positive way forward. The growing numbers of people who are being made redundant, are left with time on their hands, often with a substantial payoff that tides them over until they find what they are looking for.

However this time off is crucial. Wasting time and just procrastinating, with in time, affects the self esteem, confidence and self belief patterns in the mind. We know and understand that the mind is a powerful tool. It needs to be used otherwise it becomes full of the past, the worries and dubts of the future enter and cause a distraction and feeling of loss of direction.

Therefore it is important to keep the mind active and stimulated.
Yet there is also the amount of time that you may now have in the time you have been given to re-evaluate your life. You can either worry yourself into a nervous state, or you can look at your life and realize that if you are going to move forward in this world, then you as an individual have to change your perceptions in life in order to survive in this ever changing world.

You have been chosen by a higher source to re-evaluate your life. You have been given time to change. Why?
The world is changing and the evolutionary process is going through a new cycle.

Firstly I wish to explain that we come into the world as channels to this incredibly powerful universal energy that we call Reiki. It actually means "Universal Energy".
I believe and passionatly feel that when we come to earth to live a human existance, that even when we are in the womb, we start to absorb the positive and negative energies that surround our mother and her enviroment. When we are born, the first three years of a childs life are crucial. A child of that age has not learnt to put up barriers or defend itself. It is vunerable and open to all emotions. Those emotions go towards the make up their personality as well as the enviroment in which they grow up in.
As a child grows up their parents, teachers and elders influence their belief systems, and the way in which they think and behave. As a parent you must realize that bringing a child into the world carries an enormous responsibility.

As the child grows up, society as a whole teaches us that "if we want to connect to the divine, then we have to go to church. There we are guarenteed a place in heaven". We are taught to recite the lords prayer, to live by the ten commandments or any other belief system that carries a similar lesson. We are not taught that we are all channels of light that each have the power to believe in ourselves, heal ourselves and others.

We as human beings are incredibly powerful.

Reiki in many ways is the re-connection to the source. Through your life you have blocked your chakras with positive and negative emotions and experiences, living but only existing without realizing why you are really here.

Each time you have had a cut to the body, your aura is also torn, creating a whole or damage thus creating negative thoughts and feelings to flood into your being.

Reiki can help you to heal yourself and your aura, thus creating a sustained healthy body.

Reiki can help you impove your thought process thus having more focus and direction in your life.

Channel energy into your thoughts as well as learn to heal your body mind and spirit on all levels of being, whether its the mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.

Read some of the comments on this blog to give you the self confidence, or inspiration to realize that change is possible. When you change your life, your world changes around you.

If you wish to contact us, please e.mail

or you can call us on 0034 677114989 / 0034 617810209 / 0034 951260538

Please also visit our website For further information about Reiki and our workshops as well as spiritual development, counseling and healing sessions.
