Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why is healing the aura so important?

The Aura is part of you. It is your energy field, an extention of you.
When you receive a cut to the body, sustain an injury or undergo an operation, any where where there is a tear or cut to your body, so to the aura undergos a tear or cut.

This is why healing is so important. Conventional medicine is unable to heal the aura. The only form of healing that can occur in this are is healing light from source through the power of healing.

Let us take an example.
A man sustains an injury of a broken arm. The arm is damaged and there is need for a cut to the body in order to repair the break. Already the man has terrified thoughts and anguish that he has projected into his own aura. What we send out to the aura, we later diject and become. Therefore the aspect of healing the thought process also comes into play. Reiki works on all levels of being, healing what needs to be addressed. Reiki is an intelligence and knows exactly where and what to heal at the given time.

As the knife goes into the skin, the knife also cuts the aura. After the operation the cut is sewn up but the aura is left with a tear or hole. When un dealt with this creates a weakness in the bodies defenses as well as leaving the body open for negative as well as positive influences. If there are a few cuts to the aura, in time the aura becomes weaker and the person becomes affected with various aches and pains. Apart from the physical aspects, mental emotional experiences can cause harm to the auric field.

Lets take this man who has sustained the injury. He is left traumatised. This trauma creates a seed in the auric field. If this man for example then had an argument with a family member, and the argument caused emotional disturbance, so much so that he could not let go of the past, this too would create a seed. Everytime you have an argument, a fight, a fear and doubt a worrying thought pattern and so forth, you are planting seeds into your aura.

As the seeds sit there , they find the weak points. From here they grow roots to find weaknesses in the body. This is where pain and disturbance is felt in the body.
We tend only to go to a doctor when we feel pain, often leaving it til it gets unbearable before we do anything about it.
Orthodox medicine steps in and deals with the physical pain. They do not however deal with the auric field, often the area where the problem manifested.

Auric psychic surgery is an option. We teach this art on Reiki 3 A.R.T. BUT in some cases with students who are advanced and work in the complementry field, teaching it on Reiki 2. We teach you how to enter into the auric field and feel what the problem is. You also work with the client, in a light hypnotherapy session aiding them and working with them to release the problem. Through the hypnotised state your are guided to the area where the problem sits. The student is then shown how to cut into the aura, release the problem and the seed, roots and sensation to then seal the area. Healing is then administered. We have over 20 case studies, where after this treatment the pain is relieved and the client is able to feel a sense of peace.
A full recovery may take a few sessions, but the psychic work on the aura is necessary to treat the whole person.

Today in the uk and further afield, Reiki is used in hospitals, hospices and other medical fields as it is now realised that healing does benefit the client/patient to access wellness.

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