There are many questions surrounding the method and teaching of Reiki. Numerous people have had differing experiences and questions regarding the way in which Reiki is taught.
Why does each Reiki Master Teach Reiki in a different way?
The difference between Reiki and a Religion is that although there are foundations there is no strict rule that sets a president on the way a Reiki workshop should be taught. Primarily the outline of what Reiki is, the history of Reiki and the hand positions for self healing and healing of others really is a necesesity. Of course receiving the attunements is paramount. Religion tends to be fixed in the way it is taught, yet Reiki is taught from a spiritual perspective which encompases all Religions and belief systems.
Some Reiki Masters adopt their own form of Reiki, with a belief system that they feel comfortable with. Therefore there are around 50 differing forms of Reiki all deriving from the tradional simple form. This is not wrong. It has the Masters essence and belief thus creating a comfortable way forward in their teaching of the workshop.
Personally I feel I need to follow the essence in its pure form. Other than calling it Reiki I dont wish to add something else to its meaning. Reiki means Universal Energy. Therefore for example some people might call it Rainbow Reiki, Dolphin Reiki Wicca Reiki, Violet flame Reiki. I feel by adding the fore running words, the source and energy is restricted, thus falling into the same trap as Religion.
Religion as a rule means simply to "Re- Align" to "Re Connect" thus religion was brought into our lives to teach us that there was a higher being. Something greater than ourselves that connects us the the universal energy. Each Religion has come along and put their stamp on their so called belief. Books have been written thus creating control factors into society and feeding wars and troubles. The viscious circle.
Life is very simple. We are born as channels into this world, even when we were in the womb we are a channel to energy. Yet when we are in the womb we absorb the energy of the mother and all that she experiences. The first three years of a childs life is the most important, as it has not learned to defend itself. The baby soaks up everything the good and bad, the circumstance it finds itself in and this goes towards moulding its personality fears doubts and intelligence. It also affects the channel. This creates blocks. As the child grows up it continues to absorb everything through its aura, personal space/energy field. All thoughts he/she thinks, he/she becomes. A pattern evolves. 90% of us are taught and conditioned to believe that if we want to connect to God or something greater then we have to go to church and believe in Jesus God, Krishna, Buddha etc.. We are not taught that we are a channel for light and are connected to the universe.
The chakras need to be understood and I feel should be taught on a Reiki course as these blockages that come in the form of mental emotional physical or spiritual often form in the chakras prebventing the energy flow to flow freely around the body.
If there is a fear factor for example in the mental emotional framework then there would be a limitation of energy flow through all of the chakras creating imbalances and possible ill health especially after a period of time.
When pain is felt in the body, it is the bodies why of telling the person something is out of balance and something needs to be addressed. The aura is part of the human body. An awareness of auras I feel should also be incorporated into the workshops. Feeling and understanding the aura, what it is and how it works. When a person sustains injury to the physical he/she also sustains injury to the aura. This is why auric healing is important. Additionally when you project out negative thought forms you send them to the universe but also your energy field. If healing is not administered to this area and cut and cleansed then the mind and spirit can absorb this information and you become what you think.
Mikao Usui placed 5 reiki priciples into his work. Many other spiritual belief systems work on similar lines. Really this assists in healing your thoughts. I have created a program where we teach each student to access their thoughts, often from the subconscious state, and turn them into affirmations. Giving Reiki to their thoughts assists in accessing who they are.
Reiki should really be a life changing experience. The majority of our students have had profound awakenings and have gone on to excell in their areas of work. Sometimes, in fact more often than not changing their life for the better. Just being a part of that is deeply rewarding. However we only plant a seed and you the student are the ones who are able to help yourselves.
Learning, we feel should be fun and a memorable occaision, "the day my life improved"
Apart from the traditional and ancient teachings of Reiki we also include some fun activities that assist in accessing the inner child, embracing the leader within and taking charge of your life. Anger management is also encouraged through Reiju empowerments and the Hatsu Rei Ho technique. We include outdoor locations such as the beach, the lakes, the trees and so forth.
Deopending on the students present we meet your needs. It maybe that we work with Angels, nature spirits, the higherself, the violet flame ascended masters, Mikao Usui ,Jeshua, Buddha, Krishna, or whatever energy is needed. We have to remember that all energies are one and come from the source. All in all it is unconditional love.
Some of our former students now run spiritual centres around the world. Some of our students include: Wendy Wardell, Barre Da Groot, Darren Kaufman, Marie Heggarty, Jim Duguid, Ann Borders, Luis Alves, Tracey Ann Edwards, Tara Van Gaal, Linda Dow , Helder Teixer, Kalie Deane, Hamed Visshie, Gail nelson-Snell plus many many more.
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