Sunday, August 09, 2009

September 2009- Reiki Courses in Southern Spain

The next Reiki workshop will be the Reiki 2.

16th September to recieve the symbols (Wednesday)

19th and 20th September (Saturday and Sunday)

You must have completed a Reiki 1 course prior to attending this workshop.
You are to bring with you your Reiki 1 certificate as well as your manual from the course.

Please also bring your diary that contains your experiences over the 21 days. If you have not kept a diary then please e.mail me on and explain the changes you felt from before Reiki 1 and the reasons you wish to explore and connect to the energies associated with Reiki 2.

Within Reiki two you will receive prioer to the commencement of the course, the Symbols. Ideally I wish to meet you 3 days prior to the course to give you the symbols as well as explain how to draw, recite as well as pronounce the mantras associated with the symbols.
In the three days prior you are to learn the symbols and mantras as there as specific meditations and course work associated with each symbol.

As with the other courses of Reiki we teach, we also include additional material. Always we aim to assist you with your individual development as a human being and a light being.
The people who come forward to share the growth and experience of Reiki are always brought forward fro a higher reasoning. You will always share something in common with the others that are doing the course. Sometimes it is a mirror affect or it is a co-incidence! Always for a reason.

Additional coursework that assists you as a Reiki Practitioner at Level 2 is
Working with the symbols
Aura work
Connecting to the Higher self
The Akashic Records
Colour healing
Laughter therapy
Visualization techniques
Psychic surgery ( for those who are spiritually advanced)
Hatsu Rei Ho
Anger Management
The Violet Flame/Cutting ties

Additional course work is often intergrated into course. You development is our priority. Whatever we need to teach you to reach that, often comes into play.

Of course you receive your attunement and an empowerment

You receive a certificate

The total cost for the course is 200 euros for 2.5 days

Please bring food to share

Refreshments are provided

Paper and pens as well as comprehensive manuals are provided.

Please e.mail

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