Saturday, October 17, 2009

Reiki Workshops Winter 2009/2010

Spreading our wings and light into the world is our main objective. One of the most precious signs that we are on the right path, is when students begin to create their own circles, often using a template from our teaching methods. Not only that but from one acorn, grows an oak.

Now the students are spreading the word that our method of teaching is diverse yet effective in assisting in changing lives in a positive way. Still retaining the initial Reiki ethics and teachings we also find what is best for your healing to take place. Incorporated into workshops we also include Laughter therapy, Dance and movement as well as anger management techniques deriving from Buddhist teachings.

The next Reiki workshops will take place in Central Melilla (North Africa) from the 29th October- 9th Novemeber. We will be teaching 2 reiki 1 workshops (now fully booked) and a Reiki 2 Course (minimum 3 months before attending this course).
These workshops are taught in Spanish.

On the 28th and 29th November we will be at Villa La Paz in Coin. Here we are teaching a Reiki 1 course. There is a residential facility here or apartments on the coast are available for rental.(for non residents)
There are currently 2 places available for this course. For further information please e.mail

In January we are looking at running a Reiki workshop in Kent (To be confirmed)
This is a great way to bring a positive direction to your life
More information will be following shortly....

Additionally we are looking at running a Reiki workshop in Lisbon and Castel Branco in Portugal.
More information will follow shortly....

If you have a centre and are interested in us running a workshop in your area, please e.mail us with your location and services and prices. We look forward to hearing from you shortly...

Jason and Luis

Friday, October 02, 2009

Healing Circles- Today is a new Dawn

For the past 8 years I have been running Healing Circles assisting in networking and acting as a Catalyst in bringing lightworkers together to interact, grow, share and develop their healing and meditation gifts.

Now it is time for the seeds to be sown. Seeds have been planted in the form of confidence, healing, self worth and recognition, self belief and knowledge as well as unconditional love. That self recognition within their hearts has grown with the realization that their time has come to start a circle of light.

I know that my time has come to delegate the leadership of new circles. I need to spend more time teaching and writing. I know that my spiritual work is taking me on new paths. Being a part of their formation is one of the most beautiful experiences I could wish for.

New healing circles are being formed by former students and followers.
If you wish to join watch this space for new information regarding Healing circles of light along the Costa del Sol and Melilla.

Forthcoming Healing Circles are being formed in Fuengirola, Coin and Melilla.

Reiki 1 for Kids- Bullying Prevention

An introduction

Bullying is a major problem within todays society within many schools.
Peer pressure, fashion status and trends often have effects upon a childs life.
Sexuality and weight also have effects on a childs life.

The most important aspect of life is to be yourself.

Unfortunately too many children bury their true dreams and aspirations for the fear of not fitting in at school. Too many children suppress their true feelings and emotions.
Reiki can help your child to be in touch with themselves.
Reiki can install confidence
Reiki can help your child heal past hurts
Reiki can prevent bullying
Reiki can help your child follow their heart and achieve greater goals and aspirations

Having being bullied as a child I am all too aware of the affects of how it affects a child.
It affects your whole life. I was once a shy teenager who missed out on opportunities because I was too shy and allowed others to hold me back from achieving within school.
Once I overcame my shyness I was able to confront my fears.

A little later in life I discovered Reiki.

I am now in the public eye and run workshops, presentations, organize events, and work within the media. The energy of Reiki helps to boost confidence as well as raising the spiritual frequency.

The people I have taught have ranged from early 20s to late 60s. All those people who have embarked upon courses have changed their lives for the better. They have each found their foundation. A place to work from to achieve and set new goals, they had only once dreamed of.

Reiki 1 is the foundation maker of life. Your child could find themselves at an early age.
Within workshops I teach meditation and creative visualization.

Meditation helps to relax your child. If for example they suffer with sleepless nights, nightmares, tantrums, hyper active behavior, then this helps to calm and relax them as well as teach them to focus and become more positive within themselves.

Creative visualization helps to train their mind as well as encourage greater creativity within. For example this may help to bring about great works of art and literature.A dream diary is also encouraged. Keeping records of dreams creates a greater connection to the universe as well as understanding themselves.

Healing is the greatest priority. Healing is love, unconditional love for the self. Understanding the self creates acceptance. Love is the key to life.

Children are taught how to heal themselves as well as other people, plants and animals.
This also creates a greater bonding within their lives, friendships, family and society.

The workshop

The reiki 1 workshop is taught in one day.
To make the workshop exciting and enjoyable I also incorporate other therapies that work very well with Reiki. Laughter therapy is enjoyable with many adults, but especially children. Laughter is also incredibly powerful as it raises the bodies natural healing defenses. It also releases stress and creates bonding with other children.
Dance therapy is also incorporated into the course to encourage confidence and liberation of the spirit. Here we discover the inner born leader who is crying to escape and prove themselves.

The workshop also focuses on affirmations and positive thoughts.
Meditations and creative visualizations.
Understanding the chakras
Attunement to the energy of Reiki
Self healing
Healing animals and plants
Manual of study (for your child to keep)

The course starts at 10.30am-1pm Lunch and Refreshments then from 2.30pm-5pm
The price of this workshop is 85 euros
A certificate is also awarded with this course.

The course is available for children from 5 years old -16 years old

I am also available to teach this course in schools and colleges.

Reiki 2 Workshops

Reiki Two is the second degree level.
There are many ways in which Reiki is taught. This largely depends upon the Teacher and the Lineage that is followed.

I practise the Traditional Usui method as well as the Integrated Tibetan method.
Level two can only be taken after you have completed level one. You must have been attuned to level one for a minimum of three months. As you know, Reiki One is largely about Self Healing and meditation although you are also introduced to healing others.

Reiki two is about using the Sacred symbols of Reiki that were channelled by Mikao Usui in the late 1800s. These originally are to be kept sacred, although now you can find them on the internet and published within many books. In one way this goes against the Traditional teaching of Reiki.

Reaching Reiki two does not mean that you stop working upon yourself.
It means that you continue at a deeper level as well as healing others.

The Workshop

This workshop is taught over 2.5 days

Three days prior to the workshop you will receive the Symbols and the Mantras. You must be able to draw, the symbols as well as write and chant the mantras. These you must learn off by heart by the time you return for the workshop. The symbols and mantras must be destroyed so that no-one can view them. You will know them and retain them within.

.Throughout the Workshop you are taught to feel and connect to the energy of each symbol through meditation practices. Each symbol carries a different vibration and healing energy.
You will connect with the Power Symbol, Mental Emotional and the Distance Symbol.
You will connect with the Unconditional love of Reiki through the highest Power for your Personal self development.

Attunements and Empowerments
Also incorporated into this workshop are Soul Development Exercises, Meditations and Visualizations, Distance Healing, Healing with Crystals, The Violet Flame, The power of the Universe, Healing Relationships, working with the Terminally ill and the dying, Releasing Karma,
Past life Regression/Future Lives and Healing Treatments
Depending upon your individual development other methods of Healing are incorporated into the workshop.

A certificate is awarded.

You are required to keep a diary of all your meditations and dreams throughout the Course as well as for 21 days. After 21 days you return with your diary and will receive an additional Empowerment (a gift from us).

What happens on a Reiki 1 Workshop?

Taking those all important steps towards the spiritual self, is often a hard decision to make. Often a life changing occurrence has occurred within your life, to assist you in making those all important positive changes towards an aspect of light and renewal.

Many people have experienced, hardships, relationship breakups, illness , the loss of a loved one or even a near death experience. It is at these low points in life that we begin to re-evaluate our lives and feel and know that there is something better.

Too many people are “people pleasers” and do not give enough time to themselves.
Knowing that you deserve better and that you can do something to help yourself as well as others, is indeed a gift to accept into your unique way of existence.
Reiki one is about finding that time.
Time for the self
Creating a balance within your life, so that you are in a position to help yourself and to help others.

It must be acknowledged, that Reiki is not just a form of healing. It is a path.

Fulfilling your lifes purpose really comes to the fore when you have accessed the first major step towards enlightenment. That first step occurs through Reiki 1.

Reiki 1 is called the foundation maker.
To enable yourself to grow spiritually you need a firm foundation to work upon.
Reiki can give you that. It plants a seed, so you may grow and blossom into the person you are, not the person others want you to be.

Reading this page today, helps you to acknowledge, that that all important step forward
Is only moments away.
We look forward to meeting and connecting with you soon..

The Workshop

Weekend workshop

This workshop is taught over two days.
Within the course you are encouraged to open yourself up, be honest with yourself, release emotion as well as enjoy your time with us.
Everything is Private and Confidential
Your healing and Journey of self discovery is our greatest priority.

Firstly we give you the opportunity to introduce yourselves so you feel a greater connection with one another.

Course includes a comprehensive manual for you to keep
Your Reiki Lineage
Meditations and Visualizations
Deep Relaxation
History of Reiki
Attunements and Reiju Empowerments
Hatsu Rei Ho
Power of the Universe
Meeting your Reiki Guide
Self awareness and soul Development Exercises
Self Healing
Chakra and Aura work
Healing of plants and animals
Healing for other people

Some other techniques or exercises maybe incorporated to suit your individual needs.

Certificate Awarded
Price 150 euros (incl. 50 euro deposit)

For those of you who work on weekends or find an intensive course too much to handle then we also offer a 6 week course, (2 hours per week) 25 euros per week

Week One

Introduction of self
Your Lineage
The Five Reiki Principles
Deep Relaxation and Meditation

Week Two

Review of week One
History Of Reiki
Understanding the Chakras

Week Three

Review of week two
Understanding the Aura
Attunement to Reiki 1
Self Healing

Week Four

Review of week three
Soul Development Exercises
The power of the Universe
Self Healing

Week Five

Review of week four
Meditation and Visualization
Hatsu Reiki Ho
Reiju Empowerment
Hand positions for others

Week Six

Review of the whole course
Self Healing
Healing for others
Awarding of Certificate

NB. Some coursework maybe included to suit the needs of the individual.

We look forward to meeting you shortly...


Reiki Workshops and Treatments with Reiki Master/Teacher Jason Ritchie and Reiki Master/Practitioner Luis Miguel Alves

You have reached this page for a reason.

Perhaps it is not the first time you have read or heard about Reiki. It is said that from the first time you connect with the energy, that your Reiki Guide has stepped into your aura and is slowly nudging you towards the path to spiritual enlightenment.

Reiki can be described as a healing loving touch.

Reiki is unconditional love, the Universal Life force Energy.

Reiki can be divided into two words.

Firstly Rei which means Universal and Ki which is light, energy, chi or Manna.

It is energy channelled from source. The source we all come from connect to and return.
It is as simple as that.

It was re-discovered by Mikao Usui in the late 1800s while he was on a meditation fasting for 21 days on Mount Karuma in Japan. During the 21 days he received an attunement in the form of a bright light, symbols and mantras.

Since then Reiki has been passed down through generations.
Please visit our Reiki Lineage to find out our Reiki (Family Tree)

Many people feel that Reiki is just a form of healing. It is not. It is a way of life.

Adopting Reiki into your life, you are able to heal yourself on a mental emotional, physical and spiritual level. You are also able to send healing to your loved ones as well as every human being who lives on the planet .

Apart from that, Reiki is positive energy that helps you to gain confidence and the ability to believe in the self. Reiki can help you manifest your desires and fulfil your ambitions.

As you work with the energy, your spiritual vibration will lift so that you can access greater depths of who you are as an individual. More than that, you can access your divine purpose.

Tallers de Reiki en Melilla- Reiki workshops in Melilla, North Africa

October/November 2009 --- Octubre/Noviembre 2009

From the 29th October until the 9th November we will be situated in Melilla, the Spanish Enclave situated in North Africa.

Estamos en Melilla en el fin de Octubre hasta el 9 de Noviembre, El Norte de Africa

Reiki - "Estrellas del Alma"

Reiki 1
Donde: centro de Melilla
Fechas: 31 de Octubre y 1 de Noviembre 2009
Horas: 10-6 sabado y 10.30-6.30 Domingo
Comida: Llevar por todo
Precio 175 euros (50 euros deposito)

(Ahora es completo)

Contacto Carmen 610834787 por mas informacion

Reiki 1
Donde: centro de Melilla
Fechas: 7 y 8 de Noviembre 2009
Horas: 10-6 sabado y 10.30-6.30 Domingo
Comida: Llevar por todo
Precio 175 euros (50 euros deposito)

un plazo esta libre

Contacto Carmen 610834787 por mas informacion

Reiki 2
Donde Centro de Melilla
Fechas 2 y 3 de Noviembre
Horas 10.00-6.00 Miercoles y 10.30am-6.30pm Jueves
Comida llevar por todo
Precio 225 euros

2 plazos esta libre

Contacto Carmen 610834787 por mas informacion
