Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Reiki brought us together

Jason & Luis Wedding Ceremony in Istan from Andreas Holm on Vimeo.

Jason Ritchie and Luis Alves got married on 1st May 2009 at Istan lake , Marbella

Please visit our website dedicated to our "Handfasting" www.jasonandluis.info

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Reiki Workshop Costa del Sol

Congratulations to Kerry who is now a Reiki 1 Practitioner

The girls!

Healing the groin ( again often overlooked, this assists in releasing toxins and aiding the lymphatic system)

Healing the Heart / solar plexus

Administering Reiki to the Thymus (visualizing the T cells accumilating) Area often overlooked but supportive to increase immune deficiency

Balancing Reiki in the aura/body of the ears and head

Kerry giving healing to Anna

Self Healing, aligning energy with the body and the aura

Meditating with the sea and her energy ( notice the cloud of energy)

Inner child and releasing inhabitions

Splashing, Connecting with the inner child

Connecting with the vibration of the sea, air and universe.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Venues Required for Reiki Workshops

We are currently looking for other venues to run Reiki Workshops. If you feel that you would like us to teach a Reiki workshop in your area, town or location then please e.mail us at info@alternative-world.org

We are especially interested in running workshops in other countries and other parts of the world. If you like what you see then please contact us for further details. We look forward to your contact. info@alternative-world.org

Workshops currently available in Malaga Province (Costa del Sol)
Miraflores Mijas Costa
Villa La Paz Coin
Concordia Marbella/San Pedro
El Rosario Marbella

Workshops in Melilla North Africa (Spanish Enclave)
Carmen y Aurora Estatica melilla

Monday, June 15, 2009

Famous Quotes to Inspire your path

A precious human life


-His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama-

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Why is healing the aura so important?

The Aura is part of you. It is your energy field, an extention of you.
When you receive a cut to the body, sustain an injury or undergo an operation, any where where there is a tear or cut to your body, so to the aura undergos a tear or cut.

This is why healing is so important. Conventional medicine is unable to heal the aura. The only form of healing that can occur in this are is healing light from source through the power of healing.

Let us take an example.
A man sustains an injury of a broken arm. The arm is damaged and there is need for a cut to the body in order to repair the break. Already the man has terrified thoughts and anguish that he has projected into his own aura. What we send out to the aura, we later diject and become. Therefore the aspect of healing the thought process also comes into play. Reiki works on all levels of being, healing what needs to be addressed. Reiki is an intelligence and knows exactly where and what to heal at the given time.

As the knife goes into the skin, the knife also cuts the aura. After the operation the cut is sewn up but the aura is left with a tear or hole. When un dealt with this creates a weakness in the bodies defenses as well as leaving the body open for negative as well as positive influences. If there are a few cuts to the aura, in time the aura becomes weaker and the person becomes affected with various aches and pains. Apart from the physical aspects, mental emotional experiences can cause harm to the auric field.

Lets take this man who has sustained the injury. He is left traumatised. This trauma creates a seed in the auric field. If this man for example then had an argument with a family member, and the argument caused emotional disturbance, so much so that he could not let go of the past, this too would create a seed. Everytime you have an argument, a fight, a fear and doubt a worrying thought pattern and so forth, you are planting seeds into your aura.

As the seeds sit there , they find the weak points. From here they grow roots to find weaknesses in the body. This is where pain and disturbance is felt in the body.
We tend only to go to a doctor when we feel pain, often leaving it til it gets unbearable before we do anything about it.
Orthodox medicine steps in and deals with the physical pain. They do not however deal with the auric field, often the area where the problem manifested.

Auric psychic surgery is an option. We teach this art on Reiki 3 A.R.T. BUT in some cases with students who are advanced and work in the complementry field, teaching it on Reiki 2. We teach you how to enter into the auric field and feel what the problem is. You also work with the client, in a light hypnotherapy session aiding them and working with them to release the problem. Through the hypnotised state your are guided to the area where the problem sits. The student is then shown how to cut into the aura, release the problem and the seed, roots and sensation to then seal the area. Healing is then administered. We have over 20 case studies, where after this treatment the pain is relieved and the client is able to feel a sense of peace.
A full recovery may take a few sessions, but the psychic work on the aura is necessary to treat the whole person.

Today in the uk and further afield, Reiki is used in hospitals, hospices and other medical fields as it is now realised that healing does benefit the client/patient to access wellness.

Your Reiki Questions- 21 days and self Healing, is it necessary?

Reiki 1 is perhaps the most important level of Reiki that there is . Why? Because it is the re-connection process, in teaching you that you are a channel to the uncondional love and light from the Universe. Reiki 1 needs to be thorough in its teaching menthods to teach you how to relax, meditate, visualize, empower yourself and most importantly, heal yourself.

This is not going to be achieved over night. Reiki is not only a form of healing. it is much more than that, it is a path. I will give you a couple of examples to back up my views. I have been teaching Reiki for 10 years. In that time I have kept various case studies of various students who have either worked or not worked upon themselves.

You obviously would be taught that attuning to Reiki 1, your level of consciousness raises a vibration. Therefore giving healing to yourself assists in working with the new vibration and harmonizing the self.

Here is a case study.

On this particular course there were two students. One woman in her mid 40s who had already taken a Reiki 1 course, but felt that she did not get a good experience. (She was not taught to give herself healing in the 21 days).
So on this occaision she took a refresher course. Many of the techniques and practises taught on our workshop were not familar with her, which brings questions to the fore of what Masters and Teachers actually teach on courses.

The second student was an art teacher in a local comprehensive school. She had a creative block and needed to access her sense of creativity so she could teach fulfillingly. Other than that it was a friends illness of Cancer that brought her to the door of Reiki. She wanted to help her.

The workshop brought many mirrors and facets to the surface. Often self healing can bring up the feelings of fight or flight syndrome.

Reiki 1 teaches you to put yourself first. If I use the example of a plane crashing. The pilot tells us to put the mask on ourselves so we are in a position to help others. This is exactly the same. We have to be well within in order to be ready to help others. Reiki 1 teaches you to do something for yourself.

After the course the two students entered into the 21 day cleansing period. Here we ask students to keep a diary for 21 days detailing their self healing, meditations and thoughts and experiences. Within 21 days 90% of students change their life in a more positive direction.

They returned after the 21 days.
**The person who had done the refresher course had not changed.
Because she did not work on herself
She was able to give healing to others, but not to herself.
She commented that she did not feel she deserved to give herself the healing.

**Mikao usui had brought in the 5 reiki principles after he realised that the beggers were returning to the beggers camp where he was working giving healing to the sick. The five reiki principles assisted in giving them self acceptance, and a realization that they deserved.

In our teachings we now ensure that we heal the students thoughts. Using the 5 reiki principles as a template we are able to heal the students individual thoughts assisting in a positive life change.

The second student , the art teacher, gave herself healing everyday and wrote a diary.
Her life changed considerably and enjoyed the sense of peace she found within when giving herself self healing treatments. Her comments were "Ive come home to me"
She found inspiration and created and exhibition of her works.
She found that she was able to work with students better and also projected out her dream of running her own retreat teaching art. On her personal life her life changed considerably for the better. She was able to say the word NO.

Interestingly many students who enter onto our workshops and courses, are PEOPLE PLEASERS. They put everyone elses needs before themselves-WHY?
This is often deriving from a need to be wanted, needed, loved or accepted.

This is why Reiki 1 is so important.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Your Reiki questions- Addressing Reiki 1

There are many questions surrounding the method and teaching of Reiki. Numerous people have had differing experiences and questions regarding the way in which Reiki is taught.

Why does each Reiki Master Teach Reiki in a different way?

The difference between Reiki and a Religion is that although there are foundations there is no strict rule that sets a president on the way a Reiki workshop should be taught. Primarily the outline of what Reiki is, the history of Reiki and the hand positions for self healing and healing of others really is a necesesity. Of course receiving the attunements is paramount. Religion tends to be fixed in the way it is taught, yet Reiki is taught from a spiritual perspective which encompases all Religions and belief systems.

Some Reiki Masters adopt their own form of Reiki, with a belief system that they feel comfortable with. Therefore there are around 50 differing forms of Reiki all deriving from the tradional simple form. This is not wrong. It has the Masters essence and belief thus creating a comfortable way forward in their teaching of the workshop.

Personally I feel I need to follow the essence in its pure form. Other than calling it Reiki I dont wish to add something else to its meaning. Reiki means Universal Energy. Therefore for example some people might call it Rainbow Reiki, Dolphin Reiki Wicca Reiki, Violet flame Reiki. I feel by adding the fore running words, the source and energy is restricted, thus falling into the same trap as Religion.

Religion as a rule means simply to "Re- Align" to "Re Connect" thus religion was brought into our lives to teach us that there was a higher being. Something greater than ourselves that connects us the the universal energy. Each Religion has come along and put their stamp on their so called belief. Books have been written thus creating control factors into society and feeding wars and troubles. The viscious circle.

Life is very simple. We are born as channels into this world, even when we were in the womb we are a channel to energy. Yet when we are in the womb we absorb the energy of the mother and all that she experiences. The first three years of a childs life is the most important, as it has not learned to defend itself. The baby soaks up everything the good and bad, the circumstance it finds itself in and this goes towards moulding its personality fears doubts and intelligence. It also affects the channel. This creates blocks. As the child grows up it continues to absorb everything through its aura, personal space/energy field. All thoughts he/she thinks, he/she becomes. A pattern evolves. 90% of us are taught and conditioned to believe that if we want to connect to God or something greater then we have to go to church and believe in Jesus God, Krishna, Buddha etc.. We are not taught that we are a channel for light and are connected to the universe.

The chakras need to be understood and I feel should be taught on a Reiki course as these blockages that come in the form of mental emotional physical or spiritual often form in the chakras prebventing the energy flow to flow freely around the body.
If there is a fear factor for example in the mental emotional framework then there would be a limitation of energy flow through all of the chakras creating imbalances and possible ill health especially after a period of time.

When pain is felt in the body, it is the bodies why of telling the person something is out of balance and something needs to be addressed. The aura is part of the human body. An awareness of auras I feel should also be incorporated into the workshops. Feeling and understanding the aura, what it is and how it works. When a person sustains injury to the physical he/she also sustains injury to the aura. This is why auric healing is important. Additionally when you project out negative thought forms you send them to the universe but also your energy field. If healing is not administered to this area and cut and cleansed then the mind and spirit can absorb this information and you become what you think.

Mikao Usui placed 5 reiki priciples into his work. Many other spiritual belief systems work on similar lines. Really this assists in healing your thoughts. I have created a program where we teach each student to access their thoughts, often from the subconscious state, and turn them into affirmations. Giving Reiki to their thoughts assists in accessing who they are.

Reiki should really be a life changing experience. The majority of our students have had profound awakenings and have gone on to excell in their areas of work. Sometimes, in fact more often than not changing their life for the better. Just being a part of that is deeply rewarding. However we only plant a seed and you the student are the ones who are able to help yourselves.

Learning, we feel should be fun and a memorable occaision, "the day my life improved"
Apart from the traditional and ancient teachings of Reiki we also include some fun activities that assist in accessing the inner child, embracing the leader within and taking charge of your life. Anger management is also encouraged through Reiju empowerments and the Hatsu Rei Ho technique. We include outdoor locations such as the beach, the lakes, the trees and so forth.

Deopending on the students present we meet your needs. It maybe that we work with Angels, nature spirits, the higherself, the violet flame ascended masters, Mikao Usui ,Jeshua, Buddha, Krishna, or whatever energy is needed. We have to remember that all energies are one and come from the source. All in all it is unconditional love.

Some of our former students now run spiritual centres around the world. Some of our students include: Wendy Wardell, Barre Da Groot, Darren Kaufman, Marie Heggarty, Jim Duguid, Ann Borders, Luis Alves, Tracey Ann Edwards, Tara Van Gaal, Linda Dow , Helder Teixer, Kalie Deane, Hamed Visshie, Gail nelson-Snell plus many many more.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Reiki workshop dates

Reiki 1 workshops 20th/21st June at Villa La Paz Coin, Spain,

18th/19th July at Calle Sirius, Miraflores, Mijas Costa Spain,

Sept 18th/19th Reiki 2 at Villa La Paz, Coin Spain,

Reiki 1, 2 and Kids Reiki 1 17th-24th October Melilla, North Africa, (en español)

Nov 6th/7th Reiki 2 in Cairo Egypt

If you require any additional information please e.mail info@alternative-world.org

Visit our website www.alternative-world.org

Tallers de Reiki en Español visitar la Pagina de web www.estrellas-del-alma.blogspot.com

Saturday, June 06, 2009

International Sai Symphony

"Education is for Life. It starts the first day of our life and ends the last. Improvement is possible and most welcomed. We have to overcome our "limits" and will promote trasformation and evolution as much as possible "

Umberto Frascati
International Sai Symphony
